CS371P Fall 2019: Week 12

1. What did you do this past week?
This past week I mostly had an opportunity to relax. There were no exams or projects that were due immediately, so I could take it slow and hide from the cold. I did begin working on Life with my partner, and I think we have most of the logic done. We just need to begin creating the tests and bug-fixing anything that comes up.
2. What’s in your way?
There’s nothing in particular blocking me right now. I just need to be getting all my work done for classes. I will admit that the cold has been rather limiting to my productivity this month. I’ve spent far too much time in bed warming up instead of studying like I should have been.
3. What will you do next week?
Next week I have my final Amazon video interview for an internship in the summer. I’ve been spending the weekend practicing, probably to the detriment of my actual classes. I’ll continue preparing for the interview up to when it actually happens on Wednesday. I’ll also be attempting to finish up Life this week, as I will be traveling this weekend to my cousin’s wedding in Georgia. I know that there’s some time on Monday and Tuesday, but I’ll probably be busy those days so I’d like to get it out of the way as soon as possible.
4. What was your experience of inheritance? (this question will vary, week to week)
With inheritance, I mostly just focused on learning the actual syntax of the C++ implementation of it. The way that C++ automatically calls the parent default constructor was interesting to learn, although it makes sense in hindsight. The same was true for the way that the parent constructor had to be mentioned in the initializer list, whereas Java simply lets you call super() in the body of your constructor. I’ll probably have some issues actually implementing inheritance, at least until I can properly remember the details, but overall I feel confident over the material.
5. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of this week is to keep your energy up as the semester draws to a close. I know how much the cold can affect us Texans, but this isn’t the time to be slacking. Also, keep attending the recruitment meetings when possible, as you can get some good swag from the various companies. I got a pretty nice hoodie from Citadel on Friday.