CS371P Fall 2019: Week 6
2 min readOct 14, 2019

- What did you do this past week?
This past week I learned about the details of the Allocator project that I will have to write for this class. I also learned about using const methods and variables, and the way that const objects require different methods than a typical object. In Algorithms, I worked on a long homework but managed to get it done with several hours of work. Furthermore, I just finished up an interview with Toyota Connected, so hopefully, that will go well. - What’s in your way?
Right now, the only thing in my way is that I have lots of different obligations to keep up with my different classes. I have to write a paper for my Jazz Appreciation class, as well as study for my OOP test. Once I have those out of the way, I can work on Allocator. - What will you do next week?
Next week, I’ll try to finish my Jazz Appreciation paper and complete the Cerego sets for that class as well. I’ll also be studying for the test in this class using the guide that Professor Downing wrote for us on Piazza. After the test is over, I’ll begin working on my implementation of Allocator. I don’t think I’ll have many issues with the actual logic behind the Allocator project because I have written a heap implementation for my Operating Systems class previously. The only things that might pose an issue are writing test cases and the operator methods. - What was your experience of peer-instruction quizzes? (this question will vary, week to week)
I liked that peer-instruction quizzes were more forgiving, in that we had opportunities to discuss with our neighbors. However, the actual usage of them felt rather clunky, because having 2 minutes to actually answer after discussing led to several people not managing to submit their answer the second time because they clicked “Take Again” before the discussion was over. Running out of time like this was unfortunate for those who were affected, even though I was personally unaffected. - What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick of the week is Visual Studio Code. It is a strong IDE that allows for keyword highlighting, intelligent completion, and contains integrated git support for folders in addition to a console. It’s my IDE of choice for working in C, C++, and most other languages.