CS371P Fall 2019: Week 7

- What did you do this past week?
This past week I spent a lot of time working on my algorithms homework and studying for the test in this class. I also spent significant time working on some assignments for my jazz appreciation class, as I’ve been unfortunately procrastinating on finishing them. Furthermore, I’ve spent some time beginning my implementation of Allocator. Ideally, I’ll finish by Monday night.
2. What’s in your way?
Right now, the only thing in my way is myself, and my procrastination. I’ve been busy with other things, so I’ve let my schoolwork pile up and now I need to spend a significant amount of time getting those done before I can get ahead. As soon as I catch up on assignments that should have been done, I can get back to finishing things ahead of time.
3. What will you do next week?
Next week I’ll continue working on Allocator. I’d like to get everything done by Monday night, but that may not be realistic. Furthermore, I’ll be working on this week’s Algorithms and Complexity homework, which will likely take a significant amount of time. After I get that done, I will probably continue applying and practicing for interviews. I’ll likely have to begin studying chemistry as well, as I probably have a test coming up in a few weeks.
4. What was your experience of the peer-instruction exam? (this question will vary, week to week)
I would have appreciated some warning on the nature of the exam. Having to answer those questions within 45 minutes when I was expecting to have the full 90 minutes was rather unpleasant, especially considering that it was a night-time exam where I wasn’t fresh and ready to adjust to something like that quickly. It just felt somewhat unfair to just have that sprung on us last second.
5. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick-of-the-week is Texmaker, which is a powerful LaTeX editor. LaTeX is a language that allows for the easy creation of typeset documents. It is my preferred tool for editing my Algorithms and Complexity homework because that class requires assignments to be typeset. LaTeX can be used for many other things, however, including resume creation. It’s an incredibly useful tool, and Texmaker is the editor I’ve found to be the best with regards to usability and the user interface. It displays the finished product alongside the actual editor, which saves a lot of time when it comes to making visual changes.