CS373 Fall 2020: Week 13 Anshuman Kumar
3 min readNov 23, 2020
- What did you do this past week?
This past week I spent time working on the final IDB phase, particularly in writing code to display images on our model instance pages programmatically from the Google API. I also spent time working with my team for Behavioural Ethics in order to get ready for the final presentation in that class. Finally, I went back home today along with a few of my friends in time for Thanksgiving break. - What’s in your way?
There’s just some last minute things that need to be done for IDB — nothing difficult, but it can be hard to decide the best way to make a webpage look. - What will you do next week?
Next week I will be putting the finishing touches on IDB phase 4 and my Ethics project. I’ll also be starting to work on the presentations for both of those as well, which will be occurring the following week. Of course, I’m also excited to spend some time with my family — this break will help me recharge before the final few weeks of my undergraduate life. - If you read it, what did you think of What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You?
I thought that it was quite chilling, to be honest. The sheer willpower that the authors (and many others like them) must have to remain where they are with so much pressure and hate against them is very impressive. I continue to think that Perusall is a pointless system, however — at least when applied in this context. It doesn’t seem like the comments that are made by anyone are particularly insightful, nor are there questions being answered within these threads. - What was your experience of refactoring? (this question will vary, week to week)
Refactoring is definitely important but the exercises were somewhat all over the place. I get the point that Professor Downing was trying to make, but the HackerRank experience wasn’t that useful. - What made you happy this week?
My friends and I all got COVID tested prior to traveling back home together, so it was a relief that we all tested negative. It was nice to be able to hang out with them in person, freely, after having not seen them in person for the majority of the semester. After we got back, though, I got to cuddle with a kitten for over 2 hours at one of their houses — definitely the highlight of this entire semester for me. - What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick of the week is Visual Studio Code’s Live Share extension. It works like Google Docs, but works within your IDE as well. It gets better though — not only does let people collaborate on workspaces, but the host can also share things such as their localhost servers. This is particularly useful when demoing code that is running off a branch.